Rosa B. Outlaw B. 01 05 1892D. 03 02 1943


Rosa B. Outlaw was born 01 05 1892 in , , SC. She died 03 02 1943 in , , SC and was buried in Sandy Grove, Meth. Cem., near Camden, SC. She was 51 years old.


Mattie OutlawJames W. Outlaw

Buried Sandy Grove, Meth. Cem., near Camden, SC
Baptised (LDS) Submitted
Endowment (LDS) Submitted
Sealing - Child Submitted
Sealing - Child Submitted
Born 5/1/1892, , SC
Married Maxie H. Tart7/13/1929, , SC
Died 2/3/43, , SC

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Chart of ancestors of Rosa B. Outlaw (26)
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